New Shop At Wroxham Barns!!!
Scrummy Pig

Locally Reared Pigs

All our meat is sourced from local pig farmers based in Norfolk & Suffolk. We can also provide sausages made from free range and organic pigs upon request.
High Meat Content
(Shoulder Only!!)

All our sausages have a minimum pork content of 80%. The only joint of meat we use is the shoulder. This provides us with just the right amount of meat to fat ratio and guarantees our customers a quality sausage without the use of pig trim or mechanically reclaimed meat! We also only mince our sausage meat once which ensures just the right texture our customers are looking for.
Natural Casings

We only use natural sausage casings which we source carefully to ensure they are not chewy. We use a mixture of Hog casings and sheep casings depending on the size of sausage required.
Great Flavour

Over the years we have spent many hours experimenting, tasting and adjusting our sausage seasonings to ensure our sausages taste fantastic! The feedback we get from our customers validates all the effort put into refining our seasonings and we continue to add more to our range as and when we perfect the recipes.